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best_orders coin action volume

The best_orders method returns the best price orders that can fill the volume for all existing pairs with selected coin.

The response of this method can contain coins that are not activated on the AtomicDEX API instance. Activation will be required to proceed with the trade.

coinstringthe ticker of the coin to get best orders
actionstringwhether to buy or sell the selected coin
volumestringthe amount of coin user is willing to buy or sell

resultobject (map)the ticker -> array of order entries map

where order entry has the following structure

coinstringthe ticker of the coin
addressstringthe address offering the trade
pricestring (decimal)the price the user is willing to buy or sell per one unit of the coin from request
price_ratrationalthe price in num-rational crate format
price_fractionobject (fraction)the price represented as an object
maxvolumestring (decimal)the maximum amount of base the offer provider is willing to sell
max_volume_ratrationalthe max volume in num-rational crate format
max_volume_fractionobject (rational)the max volume represented as an object
min_volumestring (decimal)the minimum amount of base coin the offer provider is willing to sell
min_volume_ratrationalthe min volume in num-rational crate format
min_volume_fractionobject (rational)the min volume represented as an object
pubkeystringthe pubkey of the offer provider
agenumberthe age of the offer (in seconds)
zcreditsnumberthe zeroconf deposit amount (deprecated)
netidnumberthe id of the network on which the request is made (default is 0)
uuidstringthe uuid of order
is_mineboolwhether the order is placed by me
base_max_volumestring (decimal)the maximum amount of base coin the offer provider is willing to buy or sell
base_max_volume_ratrationalthe base_max_volume in num-rational crate format
base_max_volume_fractionobject (rational)the base_max_volume represented as an object
base_min_volumestring (decimal)the minimum amount of base coin the offer provider is willing to buy or sell
base_min_volume_ratrationalthe base_min_volume in num-rational crate format
base_min_volume_fractionobject (rational)the base_min_volume represented as an object
base_confsnumberthe confirmations settings of base coin set by the offer provider
base_notaboolthe notarisation settings of base coin set by the offer provider
rel_max_volumestring (decimal)the maximum amount of rel coin the offer provider is willing to buy or sell
rel_max_volume_ratrationalthe rel_max_volume max volume in num-rational crate format
rel_max_volume_fractionobject (rational)the rel_max_volume max volume represented as an object
rel_min_volumestring (decimal)the minimum amount of rel coin the offer provider is willing to buy or sell
rel_min_volume_ratrationalthe rel_min_volume in num-rational crate format
rel_min_volume_fractionobject (rational)the rel_min_volume represented as an object
rel_confsnumberthe confirmations settings of rel coin set by the offer provider
rel_notaboolthe notarisation settings of rel coin set by the offer provider
original_tickerslist (string)Tickers included in response when orderbook_ticker is configured for the queried coin in coins file

  "userpass": "testpsw",
  "method": "best_orders",
  "coin": "BTC",
  "action": "buy",
  "volume": "1"